ACP | January 10, 2019


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How to use Slack?A description of what Slack is and how to use
Where to send a question?The best method to send in a
How do you show walls and beams on a story above or below?3 methods are explored to show walls and beams on different stories.0:18:20Show Walls
Show Beams
How do you show slabs on story above or below?A Slab can be set to show on a variety of stories.0:23:22show slabs
How do you select items?The shift and tab key are explained.0:24:22select
How do you cut out mesh?Slab into a Mesh with a SEO, Morph conversion and how to use two meshes to achieve a desired effect is shown.0:28:11intersection, mesh, seo, fillYouTube example:
How do you add people in slack?Slack Plus is explained0:43:10slack slack plus
How do you select with Tab button?Selection methods Tab and Shift are shown.0:44:50select
How do you show site boundary on terrain in 3D?The wall tool is used to create a 3D site boundary0:46:18boundary line, SEO
How do you send direct message to others in slack?Direct messages and reaction symbols are explored.0:54:15slack
How do you create and get favorites to show on proper floor?How to edit a Favorite to make it show how and where you want it.0:56:45favorite
Please explain element transfer?The Transfer settings are edited and explained.1:08:00element transfer
How do you change display order?ArchiCad has 14 stack levels and the logic behind why it does things is discussed.0:01:17display order
How do you create keyboard shortcuts?How to create keyboard shortcuts to increase productivity.1:22:00keyboard shortcuts
I only use 3 different line weights, why use 255 pens?Pen sets can be used in a variety of ways. Eric shows and discusses the logic behind them.1:24:00pens, pen set, international pen set, color
How do you make a custom downspout?The flexibility of the Morph tool is shown.1:34:00downspout, gutter, rwp, svps, morph
How do you transfer one layout master to another?Copy/Paste and the Organizer methods are explained0:01:55layout transfer, organizer, project organizer
How do you use the roof wizard?The Roof Wizard is explored and explained0:02:08roof, roof wizardLesson in Best Practices course
How do you show blue sky in BIMX 21?2 methods, Skybox and File>BIMX Hyper model are shown0:02:22bimx, skybox
How do you keep fonts from changing when going from PC to MAC?Eric recommends using Fonts that are available to both systems and explores options to test the font.0:02:34font
How do you make composite roof with air space and insulation?Composite modification is explained.2:49:00composite, roof
How do you make labels that act correctly?Eric describes associative vs standard labels2:56:00independent label, associative label
How do you link a section?Section settings are discussed3:11:00section, view, linked view
How do you show custom window labeling?Window setting options are explored3:15:00window label
How do you edit window and door schedule?Eric shows how to edit a schedule and deal with locked or hidden layers.3:22:00edit schedule, window schedule, door schedule
How do you make favorites and import/export them?Eric shows how to use favorites3:25:00favorites import favorites, export favorites
What is different beteewn the Master Template roof plan vs roof framing?Eric tells about layers vs layer combinations and how to use them correctly.3:28:00layer, layer combination, roof
How do you make a zone stamp auto populate to a schedule?A creative method of uzing zones to create shedules.3:32:00zone stamp, zone schedule, calculation
Why do I have missing library parts?Eric looks at missing items and explains Substituted items3:48:00library, substituted elements
Why is garage zone showing in living room?When creating a schedule the difference of using Contain vs Is in a Scheme is shown.3:51:00zone stamp, zone schedule, calculation

ARCHICAD Coaching Program Index prepared by Tom Hopkins

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